Mrs. Hen THN26 Wool Applique
Mr. Rooster THN27 Wool Applique
Veggie Patch THN10 Wool Applique
Sir Hare of Featherborrow THN29 Wool Applique
Posie Mat BMB1835 Buttermilk Basin Wool Applique
Heirloom GLP450 Wool Applique
Autumn Beauty PLP137 Wool Applique
Log Cabin CGS123 Cottage Garden Samplings Fabulous House 12
Crocuses MH14-2436 Mill Hill Buttons & Beads Winter Series
In Bloom Kit KPNK1000 Punch Needle Embroidery
Bloomin Bee Kit Faux Wood KPNK1007 Punch Needle Embroidery
Hugs & Kisses Kit10in KPNK1010 Punch Needle Embroidery
Be My Gnomie Kit Faux Wood KPNK1012 Punch Needle Embroidery
Life is Cherry Sweet Kit KPNK1009 Punch Needle Embroidery
John James Cross Stitch #24 Needle Gold Plated JG19824
Give Thanks Wool Kit
Bee Kind Wool Kit
Mends the Soul Wool Kit
Love Abides Wool Kit
Deck the Boughs KS 2102 Pattern
Buttons Galore Micro Black 1830 2 hole buttons
Where the Sun Shines SCH202 Sew Cherished
Spring Fever SCH195 Sew Cherished
Spring Fling SCH122 Sew Cherished
Spring P120 Punch Needle Pattern Lori Holt
Glory Bee TTB692 Punchneddle Threads That Bind
Strawberry Hill TTB722 Punchneedle Threads That Bind
Be Grateful Block 10 CP342
New Leaf Block 9 CP341
My Sunshine Block 8 CP340